Blog (Eng.)

It Is Only a Backup

Contrary to what the title says, this article is not solely about backup. On some level, it is not about backup at all. It’s more about the necessity to fundamentally understand a problem before one is able to effectively aim for the solution. Bear with me… The inspiration to write this article came from a short exchange on LinkedIn. One professional considered complex and simple aspects of GDPR. Among the elements falling in the simple…

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Blog (Eng.)

Not really a blog post, but where else should I put it?

I’ve fished it out today and thought it’s worth sharing to the degree that I did my own quote-pic (hopefully not too cheesy). I did it because the content is condensed yet deep, the message is important and the background picture is mine 🙂 Give it a moment to sink in, before you dismiss it as triviality. PM me if you’re interested in the source. PS: When I look at this again, just before posting,…

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Blog (Eng.)

Good Teacher, Bad Teacher

Somewhere around the end of my last year in the primary school, a summer camp organizer sent a survey to be filled by the attendees and their teachers. On this survey one had to fill, among other things, their hobby. I typed “physics”. Later, after filling the form to the limit of my competence, I handed it to my teacher to complete. I was called shortly after to explain myself from the “stupid joke”. The…

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Blog (Eng.)

Everybody Wants to Be a Wizard

Being a part of IT community for quite some time – entitles me to mock it a bit – as I am doing it at my own expense. In a behind-the-scenes discussion with my colleagues, I came once with an idea of clustering types of people working in the IT – which I have called later “The S^2 Model”. Although seemingly purely playful, it had some basic reasoning underneath. In The S^2 Model, the first…

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Blog (Eng.)

Coding Before It Was Cool

I was 9 when I got my very first computer and although solid 3 decades have passed since then – I still remember the overwhelming excitement it brought about. I can even recall the distinct smell. Commodore 64C (C64), as it happened to be the unit I got, had a beautiful scent of warm plastic mixed with metallic fragrance of overheated components. Its external power supply was famous for warming up beyond any measure of…

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