Blog (Eng.)

Not really a blog post, but where else should I put it?

I’ve fished it out today and thought it’s worth sharing to the degree that I did my own quote-pic (hopefully not too cheesy). I did it because the content is condensed yet deep, the message is important and the background picture is mine 🙂 Give it a moment to sink in, before you dismiss it as triviality. PM me if you’re interested in the source. PS: When I look at this again, just before posting,…

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Blog (Eng.)

Good Teacher, Bad Teacher

Somewhere around the end of my last year in the primary school, a summer camp organizer sent a survey to be filled by the attendees and their teachers. On this survey one had to fill, among other things, their hobby. I typed “physics”. Later, after filling the form to the limit of my competence, I handed it to my teacher to complete. I was called shortly after to explain myself from the “stupid joke”. The…

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Blog (Eng.)

Everybody Wants to Be a Wizard

Being a part of IT community for quite some time – entitles me to mock it a bit – as I am doing it at my own expense. In a behind-the-scenes discussion with my colleagues, I came once with an idea of clustering types of people working in the IT – which I have called later “The S^2 Model”. Although seemingly purely playful, it had some basic reasoning underneath. In The S^2 Model, the first…

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Blog (Pol.)

Szerszeń Manager [PL]

Moja szczególna afekcja dla szerszeni jest szeroko znana w kręgu bliskich. Działam niczym neodymowy magnes na szerszenie. Gdziekolwiek się pojawię, choćby był to Biegun Południowy, w jakiś tajemniczy acz niezawodny sposób – pojawiają się szerszenie. Miałem wiele przygód, mnóstwo spotkań, bez liku okazji żeby przyjrzeć się tym stworzeniom. Oczywiście większość wspomnianych sytuacji była przesycona adrenaliną. Uciekałem przed szerszeniami w wysokich górach, polowałem na nie (a one na mnie) na środku wielkiego jeziora, triumfowałem ze zwiniętą…

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Blog (Eng.)

Coding Before It Was Cool

I was 9 when I got my very first computer and although solid 3 decades have passed since then – I still remember the overwhelming excitement it brought about. I can even recall the distinct smell. Commodore 64C (C64), as it happened to be the unit I got, had a beautiful scent of warm plastic mixed with metallic fragrance of overheated components. Its external power supply was famous for warming up beyond any measure of…

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